Monday 13 August 2018

I've have noticed something with the YouTube Kids channels

YouTube Kids is supposed to be YouTube only toned down for kids but that doesn't stop disturbing cartoons from being shown on the app and these go against the YouTube Community Guidelines but yet they get away with it.
The reason I am blogging this is that I noticed that if you try to reach out to these channels, they don't comment on what they are doing as if they don't want to give their identities away or something like that. BBC News and Saberspark tried to no avail. I don't think it due to shyness because well, I don't know them but then it hit me. These channels repeat the same content as these "spokesperson twitter accounts" 
This is just one of the many examples of these "spokesperson Twitter account"
It came to me when I remembered watching this YouTuber's video about a YouTube channel called "Toys in Japan" and he said that a bot is controlling these channels and he covered this BEFORE THE ESLAGATE SCANDAL CAUGHT THE MEDIA'S ATTENTION!
In fact, I only started to notice that when I saw that the videos are repeated like the spokesperson Twitter accounts!
I may be wrong but it looks like it.