Sunday, 25 March 2018

A Retro Mystery: Beckinsdale Fertility Operation

It has come to my attention that something was brewing in the romance of Richard Becksindale and Judy Loe and it was brought to my attention in Issue 7 of Yours Retro with this quoted statement that I highlighted gently with my Frixon highlighter:
In March 1979, Judy was due to go into hospital for an operation they hoped would help them have another child.
This is puzzling, to say the least as they had two daughters Samantha (with former spouse Margaret Bradley) and Kate before this so where did secondary infertility come in?
Kate said she wanted to be a big sister prior to her daddy's demise according to's acticle Becksindale's family tragedy and that she was the reasion why her mother wanted more kids. What's odd is that it doesn't mention Mrs Loe having fertility problems so something's up here. Other links on Google are just legal documents that aren't related to Judy so I dived onto Wikipedia and IMBD to see if it had answers but I resurfaced empty-handed.

This is very puzzling indeed and if more on the matter surfaces, I will update this.

Woody Woodpecker (2017) - The Search For The Worst - IHE