Tuesday 3 July 2018

Where's the Fair Use? - Ferris Wheelhouse wiped off of the face of YouTube

Ferris Wheelhouse, known for their YouTube series The Looney Tunes Critic have been terminated from YouTube. I find out when I was looking through Facebook and not trying to look up their videos on YouTube when I saw this message:
The YouTube Channel is officially dead. They said we had used spam and or commerically deceptive content. We used neither.
I was shocked because, at the start of every single one of their videos, they said that they don't own the footage or content and said it falls under fair use but I guess the lawyers at Warner Bros. didn't care and screamed CEASE AND DESIST at them. However, they won't back down as in the posts that followed the channel's death they said they would set up multiple channels, a Dailymotion channel, and a Patreon account so if they get hit again, they can start again. They were just reviewing a Warner Bros. gave to us and Warner Bros. "got offended" and struck them 3 times! As of posting this, they have made another youtube channel and a Dailymotion account.
I'll update this with more information...
 They have uploaded a video that explains their situation (It's highly unlikely this will be geoblocked because it barely contains copyrighted footage).